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Structual Steel Design


Using state of the art design software, we can over come your on-site challenges and design the structure for your needs and requirements.

Structural steel is the most popular framing material for non-residential buildings in the United States. Steel members, commonly referred to as beams and columns, form the skeleton of the building supporting all of the other components of the building.

Reinforced Concrete Design


From Grade beams to concrete building we have the experiance and technology to design your project with the most cost-effective material: Concrete.

The invention of reinforced concrete in the 19th century revolutionized the construction industry, and concrete became one of the world’s most common building materials.

Process Piping Design

colors Process Piping projects are specially designed for particular applications to ensure that it will meet health and safety standards, in addition to suiting the needs of a given manufacturing process.

ASME Pressure Vessel Design


We design all sizes of pressure vessel for your project needs.

Pressure Vessels hold liquids or gases well above, or below, ambient pressures. Pressure vessels are everywhere in manufacturing and process equipment, refineries and petrochemical plants, submarines, spacecraft and, more generally, in all hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

Dust Collection & Ventilation


We design ventilation and dust collection system for your projects need along with the safety and environmental always at the forefront.

Dust collection systems play an integral role in both safety and cleanliness of the work environment. Industrial dust collection is important for air pollution control.

Structural Foundation Design


Structural foundations range from pile supported systems to a slab-on-grade system which is all dependent on the geotechnical exploration and findings.


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